Wednesday, February 8, 2012

One day Mountain Biking considerations?


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- Menu planner

Leave no trace principles for Mountain biking.

During winter my Outdoor ed class will be going on a Mount Biking trip for one day and we have to fill out a planner before we leave.|||Mtn bike, helmet, gloves, shin guards, bmx shirt

shorts, shirt, socks, all terrain shoes or clothing suitable for the condition

watch, gps, first aid kit, head light, maps and compass

pbj sandwich, power bar, apple, water, more water

all in a camel-back light weight pack filled with, more water

Leave no trace mountain biking means stay on the mtn bike trail don't cut new ones bikes leave more trace then foot prints so it's almost an oxymoron. pack it in pack it out.

The planner should contain the start, who, what, where, when how and finish of your trip with emergency contact info.|||Chris' list was fantastic, and I would just add sunblock and sunglasses or goggles. Have fun!

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