Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Is there a list of Caps from

Hi, I'm registered at and I'm trying to collect 15 Caps for the Rock Star Cap. So far I have around 18 Caps and I need 6 more.

Caps I have include:

Scholarship Fanatic (apply for 2 scholarships or more)

Scholarship Hound (apply for your first scholarship)

Profile Complete (complete your profile)

Facebook Like ("like" your favorite colleges on Facebook)

Welcome Back! (for coming back to check out what's new)

Join the college discussion! (for joining a college discussion)

May! (not quite sure, probably for signing on in May)

Road Warrior (planning a college trip using Cappex Campus Visit Planner)

Scholarship Points (for checking out the scholarship points program)

Volunteer (add a volunteer experience to your profile)

Family Ties (adding a family alma mater in the More About You section)

La La LLLAAAAA! (adding vocals to your profile)

Instrumentals! (adding an instrument to your profile)

Artsy (add an art to your profile)

Performer (add a performing activity to your profile)

Yeehaw! (living in a Western State)

Leader (add a leadership example to your profile)

Sporty (adding a sport to your profile)

Fit Search (use the Criteria Search feature)

I'd appreciate anyone adding their own Caps that I haven't listed! :)|||I have the:

Ipsos cap for checking out Ipsos' scholarship website.

College Seeker Level 2: read 10 messages in inbox.

Cappex fan: come back at least 3 times in the same month.

How do you get the Facebook like cap? I liked the colleges I have on my cappex profile, and I didn't get it.


Counselor ties- Send your counselor an email from Cappex so they can connect with you on Cappex.

24 Karat Cappster- Log in to Cappex for 24 days straight.


  1. I am missing so many caps that I should have...

  2. I am missing so many caps that I should have...

  3. Sea legs: "For living on a coastal state"
    I live on the East Coast. Dunno if it applies to those on the West, too.
