Wednesday, February 8, 2012

How long until Manila and/or Philippines map-searchable?

How long until:

- you can use Google maps / Yahoo maps / Yehey maps or any web-based mapping, directions, yellow pages, or white pages (with links to maps)?

- you can plan a trip on public transpo in Manila (for starters)?


Chicago CTA/RTA trip planner

New York's MTA trip planner

Input start and end points, time of departure or time of arrival, and specification for fastest route / fewest transfers / shortest walking distance, and the **web app** will suggest a set of scheduled transports **including total cost for the trip**.

If you can tell someone the routes of buses, jeepneys, and trikes, then a computer can do it. If a bus conductor or jeepney driver can compute the fare for your leg of his route, then a computer can do it.

So: when?

On YAP, lots of ppl ask for public transpo routes. In Chgo or NYC, I ask their transit authority's web app - it's better than the average Chgoan or NYer.|||Finance me and I'll be happy to do it. It's all about gis.

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